Ocean School
Jessie was in 2nd grade in 2020 when Covid lockdowns started and for that year her school was entirely virtual. As a fun loving, full of beans 7-year-old she found her escape at the beach. Every day once virtual school was done, she and a small group of kids her age would head down to Ocean Beach to learn how to surf. And so Ocean School was founded.
Encouraged by surf teachers Jen Lacey and Orlando Sandrini Costa, for 9-months this little “pod” of kids discovered what being in the ocean can gift you, and we’d love to share Jessie’s essay here because she really does put it best!
“Hello my name is Jessie and as some of you might know I’m a former Ocean School student. I don’t know where to start with Ocean School, should I start with the things I learned, the funny times, or the encouragement Jen and Orlando gave me. Let’s start with what I learned.
I learned so much! I learned about the tides, the ocean zones, and much more! I also learned about values such as respect, kindness, and caring for things like other people, the ocean, plants, and animals.
I also learned about tips and skills, like what to do when you get stung by a stingray, how to surf properly, and even how to get speed on a boogie board.
Now let’s talk about the encouragement Jen and Orlando gave me. Whenever I was scared to do something Jen and Orlando would get me out of my comfort zone so I wasn’t scared anymore. One day I didn’t want to go surfing, Jen told me I should only do one wave and she said that I’d have fun surfing. I didn’t want to, but Jen got me out of my comfort zone. And I did one wave and I loved it so I stayed in the water and I had fun in the water.
My life has definitely changed because of Ocean School”
In our Changing Tides Foundation WOMP (Women’s Outreach Mentorship Program) we see girls echo these sentiments over and over again. There’s something that changes in each and every girl. And even though they might not become regulars surfers, the impact and perspective that being in the ocean brings is often indelible.
Here’s to Jessie and all of the other little girls like her. And here’s to the teachers like Jen and Orlando who dedicate themselves to sharing their love of the ocean. You are all an incredible inspiration.