Our Stories
Celebrate women, explore creative solutions, connect to our community.
If you would like to submit a story for this page, inquire here!
Fijian Dreams and Ding Dings
Our co-founder Anna Santoro’s personal account of her experience distributing menses supplies to women in Fiji.
Where Does It Go? CLOTHING
Garment production grows bigger each year, but where does it go?
Where Does It Go? MOTOR OIL
Ever wonder what happens to the used Motor Oil? We answer the question, Where does it go?
Featured Artist: Haley Bugelli
Meet our dear friend, CTF Advocate, and amazing designer Haley Bugelli. She’s got a dear love for the sea and a passionate heart!
Shero: Keli Campbell
“…if within the heat, all six team members stand up on the same party wave, or “booster wave”, the team gets extra points”. Learn more about the event and work of our Shero, Keli Campbell
CTF Featured in Surfer Magazine
In 2018, Ashtyn Douglas from Surfer Magazine joined CTF in Dominican Republic to work with the Mariposa Foundation
Featured Shero: Sarah Brady
A life-long surfer, passionate student, and activist, Sarah has been a loud voice for SanO Nuclear Waste awareness.
Featured Tide-Changer: Phil Bresnahan
Phil is the lead engineer on the Smart Fin Project and works to set an example for sustainability in science.
Worship the Sun Safely
Captain Liz Clark takes us through the importance of using safe, non-toxic sunscreen.