Plant Based March ‘24
This month, let’s expand our view of what ‘plant-based’ means, a reconnection with nature and our understanding of our food cycles and systems.
This year, we are focusing on the food system as a whole- how can we upgrade our systems to work more in tune with the earth and with the plants.
How has every day food become such a corporatized industry, how do we take our power back into communities? We’ll look at the work that Center For Food Safety is doing, and new age business opportunities like Farm Link Hawaii that is bridging the gap between farmers and consumers.
How does composting play a key role in evolving the conscious actions of community? Zero Waste bills in states across the US have begun to shift the ‘norm’ - that no, food scraps do not belong in the trash!
Check out this PDF to learn about municipal composting and zero waste policy efforts across the US.
We’ll look into different cultural takes on veggie meals, and inspire some delicious meals for this month that we can share together. Follow along @changingtidesfoundation on Instagram