Plant-Based March Challenge
Join us in eating plant-based for the whole month of March!
After learning about the devastating effects of the industrial agriculture and factory farming industries on our planet- everything from how our food is made, where our food comes from and where it goes to how food choices affect our health and the health of the Earth and its inhabitants- we are so excited each year to take the Plant-Based March Challenge!
How it works:
Download our PBM Guide including grocery lists, sample meals and tricks to make your challenge easy
Challenge yourself to eat plant-based foods only for the month of March: no meat, fish, dairy or eggsJoin the global challenge and connect with our PBM community
Let us know about your recipes and experiences throughout the month by tagging #plantbasedmarch and ask your friends and family to join the challenge with you
*Please note: This challenge is about progress, not perfection, so just do your best and forget the rest!
“The unfamiliar can be scary. But most of the time when we actually try something new, we realize that our fears were unfounded. Often we end up loving that new thing and only wish we’d tried sooner! And even if we don’t, we always learn & grow.
Let’s go on a dietary adventure together!! 💙” - Captain Liz Clark
What is the real impact of our food systems?
“A swathe of research released over the past year has laid bare the hefty impact that eating meat, especially beef and pork, has upon the environment by fueling climate change and polluting landscapes and waterways. The mighty hoofprint of farmed meat isn’t just inefficient. Deforestation to make way for livestock, along with methane emissions from cows and fertilizer use, creates as much greenhouse gas emissions as all the world’s cars, trucks and airplanes. Meat rearing practices risk mass extinctions of other animals, as well as spawn significant pollution of streams, rivers and, ultimately, the ocean.” –The Guardian
This challenge is meant to be inclusive, so if avoiding ALL animal products sounds way too hard, start where you are! Maybe one meal a day, whatever is challenging to you.
No comparison. No judgment- this is about educating ourselves, reducing our footprint and getting out of our comfort zone to learn how our diets impact Mama Earth.
While this challenge is beneficial to the animals and personal health too, the main focus of this initiative is to highlight the benefits of eating plant-based FOR THE PLANET AND ALL OF ITS INHABITANTS.

“Eating plant-based for an entire month is a rather big challenge for me. I see it as an opportunity to learn proper recipes and adopt an efficient routine. I have wanted to do so for a long time, but never took it seriously enough. Thanks @captainlizclark and Changing Tides Foundation for the opportunity to take on the #plantbasedmarchchallenge Evening Pickle Workshop!” - Lea Brassy, Professional Surfer